Note: ImmuView® is not cleared for sale in the US

2 pathogens with 1 quick test

ImmuView® Legionella pneumophila and Legionella longbeachae is the only Antigen test able to test for two strains of Legionella in one go.

With ImmuView® you can detect Legionella in patients who are suspected to be infected with Legionnaire’s disease from either Legionella pneumophila, or Legionella Longbeachae. In fact, ImmuView® is the first and still the only quick test for Legionella longbeachae. So you have clear insight for initiating the right treatment for the best possible outcome.


As Easy as 123

Get results fast in 3 simple steps

Introduce sample

Add the sample to the test tube

Add buffer

Add the running buffer
and whirl gently

Insert test

Insert the test and wait
just 15 minutes

ImmuView® Reader

The ImmuView® Reader is a portable, highly flexible, rapid and easy to use test instrument.
Not only is it straightforward to use, but it quickly transfers your re¬sults through LIS/LIMs systems.


  • Easy LIS/LIMS integration
  • Objective Results
  • Easy to use

See the difference the reader makes



Why test for 2 diseases in 1 go?

  • Detect the two most common Legionella species
  • Correct diagnosis and treatment will improve patient outcomes
  • Broad detection of  Legionella  species and sub-species (serogroup 1 and non-serogroup 1
  • Detect Legionnaires’ – deadly for 10% and on the rise globally



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The efficacy and safety of ImmuView® tests are fully supported by clinical data and documentation.



Store at room temperature. Expiry date is printed on the package.


Article number Product Number of tests Packing
98749 ImmuView® L. pneumophila and L. longbeachae Antigen Test 22 1 box


  1.  Currie S., L. and Beattie T., K. 2015; Perspectives in Public Health, Vol. 135, no.6 pp. 309-315.
  2. Kümpers P. et al, 2008; Journal of
    Medical Microbiology, Vol. 57, PP. 384-387
  3. Whiley, H. et. Al; Emerg Infect Dis. 2011 Apr; 17(4): 579–583.


Book a meeting today

You probably have a lot of questions about ImmuView®. We have the answers. And we’d love to show you how easily you can take your testing to a new level of convenience, speed and accuracy. So book a demo today.

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