Evaluation of a new lateral flow test for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila urinary antigen

Key Points

  • Better sensitivity on LG SG 1 with ImmuView (88,9% ) compared to Binax NOW (71,7%) [p. 34, second column, line 25-30]
  • Better sensitivity for S.pneumonia with ImmuView compared to Binax – both boilded and unboiled [P. 34, Second column, line 51 – 60 & page 36 top]
  • Combined better senitivity for ImmuView compared to Binax NOW [Figure 1, page 35]
  • ImmuView able to detect 13 out of 50 Non SG 1 Legionella cases, but binaxNOW was only able to detect 1 out of the 50 [P35,sec.column,line12-17]
  • Non SG 1 detection with ImmuView: SG 3: 10 of 28,  SG 6, 2 of 14, SG 15, 1 of 1

How to use this article?

This article shows better performance for both  Legionella & S.pneumoniae ïn terms of sensitivity, and equal in terms of specificity. Use this article with Binax customers, and present ImmuView as a better product, with just one test. If time, you can also focus on the difference in terms of LG non SG 1 detection